



The world is changing and becoming more complex.

Polymodernity provides us with a framework for understanding ourselves and our societies in a more complex way, as it integrates indigenous, pre-modern, modern, and postmodern cultural code. Indigenous culture can provide a connection to nature that we have lost and which re-introduces the circularity that we need to solve the climate crisis etc.

Premodern culture provided strong moral guidance in the shape of what we today call religion; we need a shared moral compass and ways to share and discuss moral norms in our societies; religion is an aspect of our spiritual life that we need in order to be fully human. Modernity gave us equal rights and opportunities, democracy, science, and the obligation to doubt and think. Postmodernism allows us to see ourselves, our culture and our civilization from the outside and deconstruct them to study their parts and their inner structures.

We need all of this to create meaning and hope and viable solutions in the 21st century.

This book was previously named Metamodernity.

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